
Naughty Nighttime (Intensive)


Naughty Nighttime (Intensive)


  • Was: Highly Sensual Floorwork Intensive at Night
  • Level: Open Level (New – Professional)
  • Wann: Friday, September 22 – 8pm-10pm
  • Wo: In Good Shape – Obere Donaustraße 69, 1020 Wien
  • Sprache: Englisch und/oder Deutsch je nach Teilnehmer*innen

  • Weitere Merkmale:
  • Hoe Channeling
  • Floorwork Technik
  • Regressionen / Progressionen
  • Cues & Prompts
  • Kunst – Express Yourself!
  • Mitbringen: Socks/heels/sneakers, knee pads, long/short pants (see description beneath)

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Nur noch 1 Plätze frei


Get hot and slinky with me in this nighttime floorwork intensive! Feeling like a sensual goddess and/or whore floorfucking around is the main purpose here. Yes there will be technique and fun movements to learn and get a quality breakdown of, but this class is about expression first and foremost. No shame, all the permission to explore and try, and space creation by Lana Morgana to make sure everyone feels safe and open to explore themselves through slutty movements. Whether you are already comfortable being an unapologetic bad bitch or you feel blocked off but would like to discover your sensuality, this is the time and place to learn about ways to self-express these parts of you through movement. Since learning techniques of moves can help find a language to express yourself with, Lana will teach you some moves, tricks  and transitions with regressions and progressions for different levels as needed. Prompts, cues and sex(y) songs will serve and guide you into fantasy states of being.

Mindestvoraussetzung: None

Mitbringen: Anything and everything you want, BUT, here are some things to consider: I really recommend bringing knee pads to floorwork classes, always. Worst case you don’t use them, but not having them when you need them sucks. Footwear: socks / sneakers / heels as you want. Also, consider wearing long pants, you can still also wear something short and revealing underneath and undress as you desire. But being able to slide, twirl, spin on the floor is very limited without long pants. And if you wanna slide on your upper body even, you may even want to bring a shirt. Here is what I would do (seriously): wear short skimpy revealing outfit underneath long clothes. Decide spontaneously if/when to undress or put clothes on again.

